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Sarah Ryan




Where do you live?


What do you do?

Professional Athlete (swimming)


A few words about yourself!

I have a friendly manner, love to communicate to people, am very active and cherish my family and friends and puppies! Try to please everyone and keep the peace! Tend to be highly emotional type, and would love to see a cure found for Multiple Sclerosis.



Does / did someone in your family suffer from an illness / disability? Who? What was it?

Yes, my dad had MS for 8 yrs and passed away in 1998.

How do you think this impacted on your family?

Because he was only in his 40's, with a still young family, it had a dramatic impact, mostly on younger sister and brother, who lost their father figure. They both rebelled a lot, experimented in under age behavior etc. For me, I find it hard to talk about, and am now way 'over it', and feel that its so unfair at times, that things like this happen. Mum of course was hardest hit, for yrs being a recluse, however she now has a determination to travel the world, once a yr, to expand her life.

What were the positive things?

Hardly any. That I learnt about MS the disease and have become involved in their many forms of raising money and awareness in the community, but much much more needs to be done.

What are / were some of the things that were hard?    

Getting married, when Dad only met my husband-to-be 2, needed his advice and guidance on that and many issues. Seeing my family suffer, especially Nanna, who has now lost 2 of her sons. Knowing he will miss seeing us kids grow and what a good job he did, seeing my kids, and them not having a fantastic Grandad. Missing his support for my swimming, it used to make his day when I was in the paper or something, and that made me feel good.

How did you cope when times were tough?   

It was very hard as I left my family behind in SA while I lived in ACT, so 100% because of my husband's love and support, his family (in Syd) and a great friend who's a sport Psych. You definitely need to surround yourself with positive people during your hard times. I suppose throwing myself into my training and competing was a way too, distracting myself from reality perhaps. Using the down to drive me to achieve.

How did you look after yourself?   

Lots of hugs from husband and friends, hanging and laughing with them

How do you relax?   

Getting away from it, doing simple things like going to the movies or bands or weekends away, or even just walking my dogs, who always make me laugh and feel loved.

Who do you / did you get support from?   

As above, all my close network, although there are very few that i talk about it too, don't feel comfortable to with everyone yet

What's your greatest achievement?   

Perhaps representing my country the best possible way i can in the pool over the last 10 yrs, including Olympic silver medals.

Where do you gather strength from?   

My mums amazing strength, other great people who are suffering or have family suffering, realising that everyone experiences suffering somewhere, my husbands unbelievable support is my rock.

An embarrassing moment?   

Mid way through a drug test, when you have to pour your sample into the bottles, i squeezed the container a tad too tight and it cracked, sending my 'sample' all over the room! I had to wait another few hours to wee again, when I was just dying to get out of there!

If you had some advice for other young carers, what would it be?   

To cherish the time you have with your ill loved one, as you can't get it back when they leave us; too laugh at yourself and other funny moments; take the time to breathe the fresh air, or watch a sunset etc, appreciate the simple pleasures and take good care of your self.



PO Box 147, Kippax ACT 2615   |    Phone: 02 6278 8444   |    emai: [email protected]

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