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Sometimes though, when things are really tough and you can't get anyone into help then its really difficult. You need some space, you need someone to talk to you, you need someone to take care of your relative so you can have some time on your own. That's when CYCLOPSACT can help


What Does CyclopsACT Stand For?
CYCLOPSACT stands for Connecting Young Carers to Life Opportunities and Personalised Supports.

What Does that mean?
CYCLOPSACT is a service that aims to help young carers and their families by offering supports that make life easier and opportunities to be involved in community life.

How Does Cyclops ACT Help Young Carers?
CYCLOPSACT can help young carers in lots of ways. If any of these would help you - let us know!


Personal Support
CYCLOPSACT is there to support young carers - to be someone to talk to; to offer advice and to help deal with problems.

Case Management
When things are complicated, CYCLOPSACT can help co-ordinate supports for young carers and their families.

CYCLOPSACT can help young carers and their families lobby services and government agencies to get the supports they deserve.

Support Groups
CYCLOPSACT offers young carers opportunities to meet up with other young people who are caring - to talk about issues, to share stories and to have fun.

Recreational Activities
CYCLOPSACT works with other organisations to provide young carers and their families with recreational activities including camps, weekends, movie days and fairs.

Information Provision
CYCLOPSACT develops brochures and packs that give you information about caring, young carers rights and who they can go to for help.

Skills Development
CYCLOPSACT helps young carers develop skills that can help them with their caring role. These might include first aid, stress management and self-care.

Educational Support
CYCLOPSACT can help organise tutoring and other education options for young carers.

CYCLOPSACT can help organize and sometimes pay for supports and activities for young carers and their families.

Other Supports
CYCLOPSACT aims to help young carers and their families wherever possible. We're always up for a challenge so let us know how else we might help out!


Did You Know!

Did you know that one in ten young people aged 15-25 in Australia care for someone in their family with a illness or disability? Chances are someone you know is a young carer - you might even be one yourself! Click here to view the stories of some young carers you might know!

Who Runs CyclopsACT?
CYCLOPSACT is a service of Anglicare Canberra-Goulburn Youth and Family Services and is funded by the ACT Department of Education and Community Services.



PO Box 147, Kippax ACT 2615   |    Phone: 02 6278 8444   |    email: [email protected]

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