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How to get the most out of your GP
Below is some information put together by the team at the Junction Youth Health Service about dealing with GPs.

Having a good relationship with your GP is important, especially when you are a Young Carer. it can make a real difference to how you care for the one you love, and how you look after yourself.

When you buy a stereo from a store, you have many rights as a consumer. Health care is no different. There are 9 health care rights for people accessing doctors, hospitals and any health care service.
You have the right to:

1 See a doctor/health worker that you trust and can talk to, who is polite and respects your opinion.
2 Ask for a second opinion.
3 Confidentiality - there are limits to this if it involves your safety or the safety of others, but you have the right to ask for details about your doctor's obligations to maintaining confidentiality.
4 Get clear information in words you understand.
5 Ask for information in your own language or to ask for an interpreter.
6 Ask for important information to be written down for you to take home.
7 Stop any treatment for yourself.
8 Change your mind.
9 Have a friend or family member with you during an appointment, or go in on your own. (If you are under 16, a doctor may need to ask your parents permission before treating you. You have the right to expect that your doctor will talk to you about this BEFORE they talk to your parents.)

Whilst these rights apply to you as a patient, they also apply to you as a Carer. Remember, YOU are a recipient of a service by the Doctor too when the decisions they make impact on you.

Most importantly of all - Tell the Doctor you are a Carer. Doctors don't necessarily always realise that you are in a caring role, and so don't know that they need to support you too. DOCTORS ARE SMART, BUT THEY AREN'T MIND READERS.

The best way you can have a good relationship with your Doctor is to Be Honest. If you want to know something, don't wait for a Doctor to tell you, Ask Direct Questions. Eg. "How did mum get sick?" "What will happen when dad forgets to take his medication?" or "I don't understand what that means".

Tell Doctors what you need. Having the support of a good Doctor will help you in your caring role, and keep you safe and healthy too. It's okay to ask for help, that is what a Doctor is supposed to do - Help You. Eg. "Sometimes I can't lift mum if she falls over. What should I do if that happens?" Or "When dad gets sad he yells a lot, what should I do when he is really upset?" Hopefully they will tell you what you need to know when you ask, and if they don't, tell them to refer you to someone who will.

Doctors can be pretty intimidating, but they don't mean to be. They are there to help you and your family - Whether you are 80 or 8, their job is the same, so don't be afraid to say what you need - It's Your Right!


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