Email to Cassies vet:
Cassie was impossible to give needles to between Tuesday and Friday so commenced powder antis through that duration. On Saturday morning the boss lady was home and was not taking no for an answer, and as the wound was slightly smelly commenced 30cc pen morning and night with no more than a 14 hour gap between doses. Wednesday will be day 5 of the IM pen treatment and all has gone smoothly (with a twitch, blindfold and and at one point employed not only the man of the houses strength but the steadfast wattle tree too, I believe she is defeated). She continues to walk well with no lameness and the bute has been discontinued. Today (Tuesday the 17th of April) I changed her dressing (every second day as per instructions), today I noted no smell beyond a clinical antiseptic kind of smell even though no antiseptics were being used at this point, there is no significant heat in her leg above or below the wound and no swelling other than the enormous amount of granulation tissue. The wound is pink and after the first flush in a week using normal sterile saline with a small amount of betadine for good measure (from a spray bottle rinsed with saline that was holding Virkons that I use to wash spray my shoes before entering a couple of my chicken coups). I noted the bone still exposed is now pink rather than white. She tolerates dressing changes very well and so far I hope it is good from the inside. Find attached photos taken today after pulling the dressing off and prior to flush and redressing. (excellent nursing notes if I should say so myself white evening dresses
(not included in email) )