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cute homecoming

Episode 30
One and i were doing some window shopping in Ackermans,we went tothe baby section.I picked up a cute black and pink dress
Me:she would look nice in this
One:are you sure its a girl
Me:i want a girl
One:gone mme why dont you go check if its a girl or a boy?
Me:The babby daddy wants it to be a surprise
One:is he coming this weekend?
Me:(putting the dress back)Pizza or chips?
One:are you avoiding my question?
Me:(teary)i dont want to talk about it okay (rubbing my eyes) pizza it is
One:(hugging me)don't cry friend
We walked into Debbonais and ordered tripple deck with extra cheese and waited by the table.
One:thanks for the pizza
Me:you know money is not everything? I used to think i will be happy having lots of money but now,i haven't seen Mxo in 3 months and it hurts so much.I want him not his money
One:(feeling sorry for me)sorry
Me:he promised to be a better boyfriend and father if i keep the baby but now..
One:he will come around
Me:(looking at the door)don't look behind you
Me:Teto and some girl,gosh she is cute
One:(looking behind)she is just a yellow bone,she has nothing on us
They walked to the counter,They sat on the table opposite ours.The girl was wearing jeans and a black coat,Teto black jeans and a navy blue jacket.She took out her phone taking his pictures,he smiled sweetly hiding his face with his hand.My heart skipped and my baby started kicking. cute homecoming
One:stop looking at them
Me:he looks happy
One:comeone they are just putting up a show for us,ignore them
Me:mind if we go eat at my place
As we were about to leave,Teto stood up and grabbed my hand.He smiled at me and i smild back.
Teto:hey long time
Girl:(extending her hand)hi i am Amani
Teto:this is Peo and her friend One
Me:(fake smile)nice to meet you,we are running late
Teto:can i come to your house later?
Amani: later?
Teto:i havent seen her in a long time,wow you look...
Amani:you look nice
One:lets go
Me:sure later
*** AT HOME ***
I took out juice from the fridge and 2 plates.
One:A re o go chekelang later?
Me:(exited)he said that infront of his girlfriend,kante they are just friends
One:or maybe the girl doesn't mind because you are heavily pregnant,obviously you cant do anything
Me:Ao mma why are you busting my bubbles
One:just don't get your hopes up
Me:yeah you are right,gape am with Mxo now
One:so tell me how is the sex
Me:we have never had sex,last time he came he was in his mood a sa batle
One:so you haven't had sex since last year?
One:is ot okay if you do it with Teto?
Me:medically its okay traditionally i dont know,and look at me am so fat i dont think he will see me like he used to.
One:if he wants to would you say yes?
Me:yeah,ofcourse its not am getting it anywhere
We laughed and ate the pizza.i walked her to the combi stop.On the way i called Mxo and he hung up on me.I called again and a woman answered.Kante wats with women answering other people's phones
Woman:who are you?
Me:i should be asking you the same question
Woman:this is my husband's phone,why do you keep calling him?
I checked if i called a wrong number,novitiate was not
Woman:yes who are you?
Me:tell him Mmagwe Thando called?
I hung up and hurried home,waitse gore nna i always learn the hard way.Felt like and idiot and stupid.He called again and i hung up.He called again
Me:(crying)Mxolisi just leave me alone please,you lied to me
Woman:its not him,he told you he was single?
Woman:we have been married for 3 years now,you are not the first woman he lied to
Me:i am pregnant
Me:yes,he lied to me tell him i never want to see or hear from him again.
Woman:wait wait,how far are you? Where so you live?
Me:i am so sorry i didnt know he was married
Woman:if you had known then what would you have done?
Me:honestly i don't know,bye
I hung up and switched off my phone,waits e something are just pure evil,no wonder he never called me or came to visit,that was because he has a family.Someone knocked,it was Teto
Me:(letting him in)you came early
Teto:yeah i just wanted to see you,long time
Me:(closing the door)do you find me attractive?
Me:do you mind if we have sex?
Teto:(choking on his saliva)what?
Me:can we please have sex?
Teto:(laughing)are you serious?
Me:(serious face)dead serious


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